Archive Tag: programming

Improving the Murder Drones Wiki screenshots

Once upon a time, I pay a visit to the Murder Drones Wiki on Fandom. What I look is a barren desert, persumably because it’s been a while since the release of the first episode. What’s also caught my eye is the screenshots, which has a room of improvement. Hasty screenshots of the player on YouTube, low resolution, cropped images, are some of the problems of these screenshots. In comparison, the first episode is rendered in 2560x1440. What if we somehow can take the frames of the original episode and update these images?

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Explanation for my presence.ts base on PreMiD

Hello, and welcome to my explanation for my base/template on presence.ts. You might be wondering either how this works or why this thing complicated. In this explanation text, I will guide you how I came with the base that I made, and consequently, solve this systematic problem that a lot of developers do, as I could say.

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