Welcome to my osu! site!
On here, you can download my replays, my skins, etc that was related of osu!
On here, you can download my replays, my skins, etc that was related of osu!
Skin used : Redd Glass HD, Taiko HD, NeOsu5, IOS5, Android 5, Custom healthbar generator (combined)
My YouTube Channel : www.youtube.com/Hans5958 (Black MIDI's, osu! video, and more)
My Google+ page : [redacted]
My Website : hans5958.esy.es
My osu! profile page : osu.ppy.sh/u/Hans5958
My Replays Downloads : bit.ly/Hans5958osuReplayDownload
My osu! Videos (Playlist) : bit.ly/Hans5958osuGameplayPlaylist
My osu! Forum Page Links : Here
Stats :
More stats : https://ameobea.me/osutrack/user/Hans5958
Habbits :
Credits :
- Main Computer Gameplay : Using mouse, if spinner, I'll use keyboard for press it, and the mouse to spin as fast as possible
- My ASUS Laptop Gameplay : Using touchscreen :D
- Favorite mods : Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime, SuddenDeath
- Favorite mods combination : HD-HR, HD-HR-SD, HD-HR-DT-SD, HD-HR-DT-FL-PF (for record breaking)
- When playing osu!, I always do SD and PF, because I want FC and (sometimes) 100% accuracy
- Other place for online : CS2D, and Scratch
- Google+
- Google Sites
- YouTube (for videos)
- osu!record (Darkimmortal) (for uploading osu! replays/videos)
- (ID)Hostinger (for main website hosting
- osu.ppy.sh (Dean "peppy" Herbert) (for the game and the scorecard)
- Dropbox (for hosting the downloads)
- and everyone who supporting me
- Haskorion (Redd Glass HD)
- TouchFluffyTail (Taiko HD)
- OsuMe65 (NeOsu5)
- -makoto yuki (IOS5, Android 5)
- agubelu (Custom healthbar generator)
I'm using the Google Sites because I'm not a supporter on the osu!